
Saddam team lawyer in hiding after death threats
Unfortunately, it's not Ramsey Clark...
An Iraqi lawyer in Saddam Hussein's defence team has gone into hiding after receiving several death threats, the chief attorney for the deposed Iraqi leader said yesterday. Khalil al-Duleimi, one of 25 lead attorneys representing Saddam, told other lawyers in the defence team that the threats began after he met the ousted dictator in December. Ziad al-Khasawneh, Saddam's chief defence attorney, said his colleague had received phone calls warning that "suicide cells had been formed specifically to liquidate him so that he would set an example to all other attorneys who have volunteered to defend President Saddam".
Bravo sierra. Suicide bombers don't call ahead; they just detonate. Not to mention it's Sammy's Baathist buddies who have been doing all the exploding lately.
"He feared for his and his family's lives; therefore, he has since gone into hiding," Mr al-Khasawneh said.
Any theories on what the real story is? Other than Sammy's legal team is trying to build a case that he can't be tried safely anywhere but Paris?

Posted by: Seafarious 2005-01-25