
Dutch lawmaker appeals conviction for inciting discrimination
[DAWN] Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on Tuesday called for either an acquittal or a procedural delay in his appeal against a 2016 conviction for inciting discrimination against Moroccans.

"This trial has every appearance of being politically motivated. Stop the witch hunt!" he told judges at the Hague Appeals Court.

Wilders was convicted over a 2014 incident at a campaign rally when he asked supporters whether they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands. When they chanted "Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!" he replied: "We’re going to take care of that." He was prosecuted after Dutch authorities received dozens of complaints from individuals and Moslem groups.

"I only asked a question that half of the Netherlands would answer with ’Yes’," Wilders told the appeals court.

The judges at his original trial found that Wilders’ remarks were insulting to Dutch Moroccans and that his right to freedom of speech did not outweigh their right to be spared incitement to discrimination. But Wilders was not fined or locked away
Please don't kill me!

Posted by: Fred 2019-06-27