
Trump threatens full and complete embargo of Cuba for meddling in Venezuela
[Miami Herald] As his Cabinet members pledged the administration’s support for Juan Guaidó, President Donald Trump used his favorite bully pulpit to target the Cuban government for its role in Venezuela.

Trump warned of “a full and complete embargo, together with highest-level sanctions” against the Havana government if the Cuban military does not immediately cease operations “for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela.”

“Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!” Trump tweeted Tuesday afternoon.

A senior administration official told McClatchy on Tuesday there has long been a need to strengthen implementation of the Cuban embargo, which had become weakened over the years.

“We haven’t spoken that way about Cuba in a very long time,” the official said. “These recent comments from the president are a very strong pivot against the Communist regime in Havana.”

The official warned they also send a message to Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega for his work backing the Venezuelan regime.

National Security Advisor John Bolton has called the three countries a ”Troika of Tyranny” led by “clowns” and that the United States “looks forward to watching” their governments fall.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Maduro had been preparing to fly to Cuba on Tuesday, but was convinced by Russian officials to remain.
Posted by: 3dc 2019-05-01