
Nevada Senate Passes Bill to Criminalize Private Firearms Transfers
[Guns America] This week the Nevada Senate passed SB143 by a vote of 13 to 8. The bill, known as "The Background Check Act," would require any unlicensed parties who wish to transfer ownership of a firearm to first both appear before a licensed firearm dealer so that a background check can be completed.

Anyone who does not comply with the act would face criminal charges. The first offense would be a misdemeanor and any second and subsequent offenses could be charged as felonies.

The bill, if ultimately passed by the state Assembly, would apply to any transactions between unlicensed parties including transactions at gun shows. The bill would not require a background check for law enforcement transfers or transfers between immediate family members. The bill would not apply to antique firearms.

After the Senate passed the bill, Nevada’s GOP Chairman, Michael McDonald, released a statement.

"The process behind this sweeping gun grab measure has been flawed from the start," McDonald said. "Our party attempted to fix this broken piece of legislation . . . [but] Democrats find it more important to do it their way, and punish law abiding citizens, than to do it right."

Prior to coming before the Senate for a vote, public testimony was taken and the bill was debated in committee hearings. One woman, Jenny Heyman, testified in favor of the bill, having lost her son to a man with a gun during a road rage incident.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-02-15