
Time for U.S. to Recognize Israeli Sovereignty over Golan
[PJ] Now that Donald Trump has signaled the departure of U.S. troops from Syria--to the consternation of many who were urging him to do it in the first place, no surprise--it's a perfect moment to ease some worries and do something overdue literally for decades: officially recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Given the behavior of Syria's horrendous dictator Bashar Assad--gassing women and children while destroying nearly his entire nation to "save" it and creating a refugee crisis that is turning Europe into the ghost of itself, not to mention allying with the homicidal terrorist maniacs in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah and, of course, Russia--the Israelis would have to be completely insane to give up the Golan.

Not even a nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv would get them to leave so Syria can once again rain artillery over northern Israel as they did for decades. Everybody knows that, but few in this country or Europe want to say it out loud. Some claim that would endanger the so-called peace process that hasn't moved in those same decades. Of course, the opposite is true. Only by an accurate and honest assessment of the situation could there ever be a peace process.

Meanwhile, the only people being decent to the Syrians are, ironically, the Israelis. For years now during their endless civil war IDF soldiers have been sneaking across the border to bring thousands of wounded Syrians to Israeli hospitals for treatment, then quietly returning them to their home country. Can you imagine the reverse? I can't. (By the way, this is not a new story. The Israelis have been rescuing Arab citizens from the violence in their countries since, at least, the seventies.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-12-24