
More than 4m Texans already voted - Beto back to flipping burgers soon
[Daily Caller] Millions of Texans have cast early ballots ahead of the Tuesday’s election as Republican Sen. Ted Cruz fends off his Democratic opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke.

More than 4,514,930 Texans have cast in-person ballots during the entire early voting period in the 30 counties where most of the state’s registered voters live. To put it another way, roughly 40 percent of the 12 million registered voters in those counties have voted.

Early voting in those counties surpassed turnout from the 2012 presidential election. Data compiled by the Texas Tribune also shows turnout over 12 days of early voting in those 30 counties also surpassed the entire turnout of the 2014 midterm election.

Polling data in Texas has been all over the map, with Cruz leading anywhere from nine points, to O’Rourke of El Paso ahead by two points. Yet, O’Rourke likely faces a much tougher task, according to some experts. He will need to pick off almost 20 percent of Cruz’s GOP base to win the election, Texas Politics Project Director James Henson wrote in an analysis in October.

Related: Hot Air from last week - Beto throws Avenatti under the bus.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-11-04