
Busy first week for Brazil's Bolsonaro
[PULSE.NG] Bolsonaro, who wants to slash the number of ministries from 29 to 15, has announced five cabinet picks so far, mostly political outsiders. Aides say 80 percent of the cabinet is already lined up.

-- Ultra-free market economist Paulo Guedes will head a "super ministry" combining the finance, planning, industry and trade portfolios.

-- Bolsonaro's military academy instructor, General Augusto Heleno, will be defense minister.

-- Astronaut Marcos Pontes, the first Brazilian in space, will be science minister.

-- Crusading anti-corruption judge Sergio Moro will be justice minister.

-- Seeking to balance the political inexperience of the rest, veteran politician Onyx Lorenzoni will be chief of staff.

Bolsonaro has gotten bogged down in controversy and backpedaling as he forms his government.

The president-elect's solution to all things economic is to put business world hero Guedes in charge -- but some warn his new "super ministry" is so big it will be "impossible to manage," as financial newspaper Valor put it.
Posted by: Fred 2018-11-04