
Taliban are nearing victory in Afghanistan
[WeeklyStandard] America has lost the war in Afghanistan. Washington may not want to admit it, and the U.S. military insists the conflict is a "stalemate." But make no mistake: The original 9/11 war has been lost.

On Thursday, the Taliban attacked a meeting between Afghan officials and the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Austin S. Miller. Americans in attendance were wounded, but Miller was unhurt. At least three Afghan officials, though, were killed, including Gen. Abdul Raziq, a key American ally and powerbroker in southern Afghanistan. The U.S. military's initial statement on the attack was a good example of its cognitive dissonance. Instead of a full condemnation, Col. Dave Butler, the spokesman for U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, claimed it was merely an "Afghan-on-Afghan incident."
Posted by: lord garth 2018-10-21