
James Madison's Solution to Tribalism
A taste:
[AmericanThinker] Political tribalism has been a very popular topic in 2018. A great divide has been created in our society as a result of identity politics. Many have retreated into groups with only like-minded individuals creating mini echo-chambers all over the country. These groups push their agenda without any regard of the effects on the rest of society. Do these disparate groups undermine American society? Is it inevitable these groups will continue to grow apart until the country becomes ungovernable? Will Americans be able to find any middle ground on which they agree? While some argue drastic change in the structure of government is needed to address this problem, the correct course would be a return to the original design of the Republic. James Madison provided much insight into the problems that arise from such "factions" in the Federalist Papers.

Posted by: 746 2018-10-21