
Noor blames inner circles behind the assassination of Gen. Abdul Raziq
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The Chief Executive of Jamiat Islami Ata Mohammad Noor reacted to the assassination of Kandahar Police Chief and prominent Afghan security official Gen. Abdul Raziq.

In a statement posted online, Noor claimed that Gen. Raziq’s assassination in a safe place and under strict security measures prove that he has been due to the conspiracies of his rivals and inner circles having links with the top government officials.

The Taliban militants group in Afghanistan claimed responsibility behind the attack in southern Kandahar province that left the prominent Afghan security official and Police Chief of Kandahar Gen. Abdul Raziq dead.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid in a statement claimed responsibility behind the attack and said the attack was carried out an infiltrator of the group Abu Dujana.

Mujahid went on to claim that the attack was carried out during a meeting in the provincial government compound and as a result a number of other senior officials have sustained injuries.

The NATO-led Resolute Support Mission in a statement confirmed the incident and said two Americans have sustained injuries but the RS and U.S. forces Commander Gen. Scott Miller has escaped the attack unhurt.

“At Kandahar palace today: Afghan-on-Afghan incident, as initial reports indicate. 2 Americans wounded. Gen. Miller uninjured, attacker reportedly dead,” the Resolute Support Mission said in a statement.

In the meantime, reports indicate that provincial intelligence chief Abdul Momin Hussain Khel has also been killed and provincial governor Zalmai Weesa and the commander of 404 Maiwand Zone Abdul Nabi Elham have sustained injuries.

Posted by: Fred 2018-10-19