
Former Secretaries of State Albright, Powell blast Trump on Russia, family separations
[CNN] Former Secretaries of State Madeline Albright and Colin Powell criticized President Donald Trump's handling of US foreign relations in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN, with Albright slamming what she called Trump's "kinship" with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Powell calling for the US to "speak firmly with respect to Russian actions" and to end family separations.

When asked on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" about whether she had ever seen another president say things that contradict his administration's policy towards another country the way Trump has done with regard to Russia, Albright said she had not.

"And the decision-making process simply does not work," Albright said. "The President goes and does his own thing, then somebody says, 'He meant to say' ..."
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2018-10-08