
Zim 'to take all white farms'
Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF party's central committee apparently has decided to confiscate all remaining farms still owned by white farmers, reported the Zimbabwean website, Zimonline, on Monday. About 500 farms out of the initial 4,500 are still in white hands.
And we can't have that, can we?
The first farm to fall prey to this decision is that of well-known cricketer Dennis Streak, father of Heath, the former cricket captain. This decision, which is discussed in a secret report of the Zanu-PF's central committee, clashes with a statement by President Robert Mugabe and his cabinet that the land-reform process in Zimbabwe has been completed. The report reads: "The resolution, which sources in the party's inner circles believe will definitely be implemented in the next couple of months, will mean the 500 white farmers who have managed to retain their land until now will definitely lose it."
Posted by: Steve 2004-12-15