
Wednesday = Threaten Japan Day.
Our readers demanded it (see comment #8), so here you go.
DPRK Stand on Japanese Ultra Right Forces-Proposed Sanctions against DPRK Clarified
Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued a statement Tuesday denouncing the ultra-right forces of Japan for kicking up a racket against the DPRK. As we have already declared, we will seriously reconsider the issue of taking part in the six-party talks together with Japan as long as such premeditated and provocative campaign of the ultra-right forces against the DPRK goes on, the statement said, and continued: If sanctions are applied against the DPRK due to the moves of the ultra-right forces, we will regard it as a declaration of war against our country and promptly react to the action by an effective physical method.
Then the ultra-right forces of Japan will be held entirely responsible for the catastrophic impact it will have on the DPRK-Japan relations and the regional situation. On Dec. 8 the chief cabinet secretary of Japan announced that a DNA examination of the remains of Japanese woman Megumi Yokota confirmed they were "bones of two others different from hers." Ultra-right forces from ruling and opposition parties and anti-communist organizations of Japan, as if they had been waiting for the chance to occur, cried out for immediately applying economic sanctions against the DPRK and are now busy with the renewed campaign against it. It was against this background that the Japanese government officially clarified the stand of freezing the humanitarian aid including food upon which it had agreed with us.
As far as the remains of Megumi Yokota are concerned, her husband directly handed them to the head of the delegation of the Japanese government, which came to Pyongyang for the DPRK-Japan inter-governmental working contact held in November last, free from the interference from the third party at the repeated earnest request of the Japanese side. It is unimaginable that her husband handed the remains of other persons to the Japanese side. Let's suppose he handed the remains of other person to the Japanese side, as claimed by it, then what did he expect from doing so? The "results of the examination" announced by Japan, in the final analysis, make us suspect that they were cooked up according to the political script carefully prearranged to serve a particular purpose.
We sent Japanese abductees and their children to Japan and formed a state fact-finding committee to confirm the whereabouts of those persons whose fate the Japanese side claimed unknown, according to the agreement reached at the DPRK-Japan summit. Since then an earnest investigation has been under way.
We arranged meetings with many witnesses and handed the discovered materials, the articles left by the deceased and their remains to the Japanese side as they were with a view to testifying to the fact that those persons whose fate are unknown died.
Japan abducted at least 8.4 million Koreans, massacred more than one million others and violated the chastity of 200,000 Korean women in the past but it has not yet made any moral and material compensation for these crimes. This has lashed our servicepersons and people into towering national hatred for Japan. It was hard to organize such a thing under this situation. We, however, have approached everything with utmost patience from the stand of respecting the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration.
But such ultra-right forces of Japan as acting Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party Abe behaved otherwise. They have long taken a double-faced approach towards us. In quest of the top post in state power they cited the issue of abduction to perform a "feat." When their intention proved futile, they came out to malignantly slander the DPRK in a bid to completely hamstring the implementation of the agreement reached at the summit.
They are making so desperate efforts to renew the row over the issue of abduction which has already found a solution because they needed a subterfuge to justify Japan's militarization, hold in check any improvement in the bilateral relations and step up their political and military interference in regional issues.
It is none other than the present Bush administration that supports and encourages these forces behind the scene because it is keen to provoke a new war on the Korean Peninsula and maintain its permanent supremacy in the region on the basis of the U.S.-Japan alliance.
No sooner had the "results of the examination" of the remains been made public than the U.S. declared through a deputy spokesman for the State Department that it fully supports Japan's stand and will use every opportunity and means to help Japan find a solution to such crucial human rights issue as abduction.
Whether the ultra-right forces of Japan decide on the sanctions against us and whether the Japanese government suspends its food aid to us under the U.S. manipulation, this will be nothing surprising for us.
There are also "people's sentiment" and option for us and we will do what we should do, when necessary.

Posted by: Steve 2004-12-15