
Soddies say local al-Qaeda wing despairing
Al Qaeda's attack on the U.S. consulate in Saudi Arabia this month is a sign of the group's "despair" after an 18-month crackdown by security forces, a senior Saudi official said on Monday. "It was unfortunate but expected. It's a form of despair and (militants) want to prove they exist," Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to Britain Prince Turki al-Faisal told the Arab Strategy Forum in Dubai. Prince Turki, a former Saudi spy chief, said his country was committed to fighting al Qaeda but the group had not yet been defeated. "It's still not over. Many (people) have been brainwashed...by these evil cults...and are willing to sacrifice their lives for this twisted ideology," he said.
Ya know what? What he's sellin', I ain't buyin'. Prince Turki is no friend of the West, and he was talking to the "Arab Strategy Forum." He's feeling sorry for himself 'cuz the op was botched, with zero dead Merkins and the attackers killed or captured.

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-12-15