
The De-Policing of America
[Front Page] Following the controversy of the recent fatal police shooting of a black suspect in California, Democrat lawmakers there have proposed a bill that would change the current "reasonable force" standard to one of "necessary force." This means that police officers potentially faced with imminent serious injury or death in a confrontation with a suspect would be allowed to shoot only if "there were no other reasonable alternatives to the use of deadly force," according to the ACLU, which predictably backs the proposal.

Law enforcement officials representing officers who put their lives on the line every day vehemently oppose this change. Modesto police Chief Galen Carroll, for example, told The Sacramento Bee that the proposed legislation "is a knee-jerk, politically feel-good piece that will not solve the very difficult split-second decisions officers make in very high-stress conditions."

True, but politically feel-good legislation that will not solve difficult problems is the Democrat Party way, particularly where the problems of law enforcement are concerned. Nothing characterizes the Progressive left today quite like an open contempt for law and order. On every issue, from Black Lives Matter to Antifa to sanctuary states to illegal immigration and more, the left always sides with the lawless.
Posted by: Besoeker 2018-04-14