
Pakistan denies access to AQ Khan
Pakistan said on Friday it would not allow any foreign country or agency directly or indirectly to question nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan. "Pakistan has full confidence in the efficacy of its investigative system and procedures," Foreign Office spokesman Masood Khan said in Islamabad.
"Plus, he's not feeling too well right now. Flowers and a card? No, no, not necessary. We'll let him know that you called."
His comments followed a report in London's Financial Times newspaper, which said Pakistan was expected to allow UN nuclear investigators to put questions in writing to Dr Khan. Quoting western diplomats, the newspaper said such indirect access would fall short of face-to-face interviews, which it has been seeking. But it could still prove an important step in the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) efforts to untangle the network of manufacturers and middleman that supplied sensitive machinery and know-how to Libya, Iran, North Korea and perhaps others, the paper said. The spokesman said Islamabad "has received no such request".
Posted by: Fred 2004-12-11