
Jeff Sessions: We Are Ending ‘Executive Branch Legal Activism’
[BREITBART] Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday that the Department of Justice was ending the "executive branch legal activism" of the previous administration, while also fighting the judicial activism of liberal judges.

"I think the department did become too political" under President Barack Obama
I inhaled. That was the point...
, Sessions said. "Essentially, it was executive branch legal activism. They would take cases or regulations or statutes and expand or redefine the meaning of words in them to advance the agenda that they thought ought to be advanced ‐ an agenda that often had zero chance of passing Congress, where the elected representatives sit.

"So you have an agenda, and you can’t get Congress to pass it, so you use unelected regulatory officials and lawyers to draft regulations and enforcement policies that carry out a political agenda that the people don’t favor.
Posted by: Fred 2018-02-17