
UK 'discriminated against Roma'
The government's immigration rules discriminated on racial grounds against Roma (Gypsies) seeking entry into the UK, the Law Lords have ruled. It follows a Home Office move to cut asylum claims by stopping people, mostly Roma, from boarding flights to Britain from the Czech capital Prague. Civil rights group Liberty said it exposed "racism at the heart of the government's asylum policy." The message was, "Roma not welcome in UK," director Shami Chakrabarti said.
Yes, dead right, the Roma are NOT wanted in the UK.. Chakrabati clearly doesn't catch the tube and have to put up with gypsy children being thrust in her face in an attempt to make her part with her hard earned cash every morning. In fact Chakrabati isn't welcome in Britain - come the revolution we'll find her and her ilk a nice remote Scottish island to inhabit. (Apologies McN!). I love the way second and third generation immigrants want to sell off the country - they seem to gain a perverse thrill from diluting British culture. Controlled immigration may be a good thing - letting in scum isn't.

Posted by: Howard UK 2004-12-09