
Oz cop shop seeks more powers to interrogate terrorism suspects
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty is calling for expanded police powers to combat terrorism. He says police need greater powers to force terror suspects to say who they work with and what they know about planned attacks. "If society really expects law enforcement to prevent and disrupt terrorist activity, then we need to look at other models that are working or that are under development in other parts of the world," he said.
"We really want to take a look at Morocco's new Truncheon XJ6.1®"
Mr. Keelty says the AFP's overseas counterparts have a greater ability to force suspects to provide information about planned attacks. "These include questions such as the person's identity and movements, what the person knows about a recent explosion or another recent incident endangering life and what they know about a person killed or injured in a recent explosion or incident," he said. Mr Keelty was speaking to a conference of criminologists in Melbourne last night.
Posted by: God Save The World 2004-12-07