
Woman Auctions Father's Ghost on EBay
EFL and nuggets.
HOBART, Ind. - A woman's effort to assuage her 6-year-old son's fears of his grandfather's ghost by selling it on eBay has drawn more than 34 bids with a top offer of $78.
Mary Anderson said she placed her father's ``ghost'' on the online auction site after her son, Collin, said he was afraid the ghost would return someday. Anderson said Collin has avoided going anywhere in the house alone since his grandfather died last year. In a description titled ``This isn't a joke,'' Anderson told Collin's story on eBay: ``I always thought it was just normal kid fears until a few months ago he told me why he was so scared. He told me 'Grandpa died here, and he was mean. His ghost is still around here!''' Lest the boy's fears scare off potential bidders, Anderson added, ``My dad was the sweetest most caring man you'd ever meet"

Couldn't resist posting this - too wierd

My Grampaw thinks so, too...

Posted by: Frank G 2004-12-05