
Grindingly Naive
Editor's note: Filling in for David Horsey this week is Rick Steves, author of the "Europe Through the Back Door" books and host of the popular public television travel program, "Rick Steves' Europe."
...On Sept. 11, 2001, the World Trade Center towers collapsed and angry clouds of dust chased U.S. citizens through the streets of New York City. The world was outraged. And the United States was outraged. So much so that -- three long years later -- many Americans still refuse to even dignify the attack by asking, "Why did they do it?..."
...So, why did they do it? Because "they hate freedom?" Come on -- that's ridiculous.
A billion Muslims throughout the world have three serious concerns: Palestine needs security and self-respect; they want the American military out of Islam; and they want control of their natural resources (to charge whatever they like for their oil). These are three basic foreign policy questions that any U.S. president could address without compromising the security and interests of America or Israel...
"We want all Americans to die. Can't you just meet us halfway?"
The writer is a moonbat, personified. Here's his quote at the end of the article:

Could we more effectively fight terrorism by understanding what motivates it and then taking away the source of the anger? Wouldn't it be cheaper and wiser to just face our enemy, ask "Why?" and respond constructively?

Ladies and gents, this fellow is a lemming. He wants to roll over and die. The 'moose has it right: this fellow would meet them halfway, no further than that. He'd toss you and me into the funeral pyre as long as he could keep his public radio broadcast, his latte, and his eco-friendly SUV. He wants to be the last one eaten by the bear.

Posted by: Anonymoose 2004-12-05