
Islamic Jihad rejects ceasefire with Israel
GAZA — A senior leader of the Islamic Jihad movement insisted yesterday that his group would reject any ceasefire or long-term truce with Israel. Mohamed Al Hindi told reporters in Gaza that "in light of the numerous statements on ceasefire or truce, the Islamic Jihad rejects even discussing this issue and talking about either short- or long- term truces."
Well okay then, this means the Israelis can just whack these boys.
He said that "this is the clear position as long as the attacks are continued against our people and the Palestinian territories," adding "the latest aggression was Friday's assassination of an Islamic Jihad militant in Jenin." "We reject talking about a truce or a ceasefire as long as the reasons of death of Yasser Arafat are still vague, and we don't know if he died of a food poisoning or radiation," said Al Hindi. 
Oh, make something up, you're good at that.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-12-05