
Warren Backpedals After Twice Calling Democratic Primaries ‘Rigged'
[FreeBeacon] Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) backtracked Wednesday after previously saying the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries were "rigged."

Warren told MassLive.com on Wednesday that she believes the allegations in former acting Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile's new book, but said while the allegations showed "bias" in Hillary Clinton's favor, the primaries did not rise to the level of being "rigged."

"While there was some bias at the DNC, the overall 2016 primary process was fair and Hillary made history," she said.

A week earlier, the senator was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper whether she agreed with Brazile's allegation that the process was "rigged" in Clinton's favor. "Yes," she answered simply.

Later that same day, Warren was asked on PBS' "NewsHour" if the DNC's actions meant "the election was rigged."

"I think it was," Warren responded.

"The process was rigged and now it is up to Democrats to build a new process, a process that really works and works for everyone," she added.
First Frau Brazile, now Fauxcahontas. Somebody got the word out, and the wagons are circling.
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2017-11-10