
Even more Europe migrant colonist briefs
From Breitbart -- immigration:
Berlin Police Academy Recruit Had Contact with Criminal Gangs
8 November
Fears of Arab criminal gangs infiltrating the Berlin police may have been validated after a new report claims that at least one recruit has been in contact with a criminal gang and a motorcycle club.

Syrian Teen Arrested For Plotting Terror Attack Was Given Asylum Without Vetting, Background Check
6 November
A report claims the 19-year-old Syrian Islamist who was arrested for plotting a terror attack last week was given refugee status without a formal interview or background check.

Police Officers Could Be Fired After Telling Migrant ‘Black Man, Go Home’
6 November
Two officers of the Baden-Württemberg police may be facing expulsion from the force after they allegedly harassed a Senegalese asylum seeker at a McDonald’s restaurant while on a private day trip to Augsburg.

From the Daily Mail -- immigration:
Migrant who raped and killed EU official's daughter and lied that he was an 'unaccompanied minor' is between 22 and 29 years old, dental checks prove
Hussein Khavari ambushed 19-year-old medical student Maria Ladenburger in Freiberg, Germany, in October last year before raping her and drowning her in a river.

Astonishing map shows the movement of millions of migrants across Europe in past 15 years amid 'unprecedented' refugee crisis fuelled by terror and conflict in the Middle East
Experts at the Igarape Institute think-tankk in Brazil produced the video which reveals the extent of the refugee crisis which has gripped the continent for years.

Gang of illegal Kurdish migrants who lured girls to sex parties with free drugs and alcohol then demanded sexual favours are jailed for 33 years
A sex and drugs gang of four asylum-seeking Kurds led by Palla Pour, 25, who lured girls as young as 13 to parties in Newcastle where they were abused were jailed for 33 years today.

Dozens arrested in England, Belgium and Bulgaria as police smash people-smuggling ring that transported 1,100 Afghans and Syrians across Europe hidden in secret compartments in over 100 specially adapted vehicles
The Home Office said 11 people were taken into custody in London, Birmingham and Gateshead on suspicion of assisting illegal immigration, while a further 15 were arrested in Belgium.

Luxury cruise with British tourists on board rescues 10 African migrants off the Spanish coast who were struggling on an inflatable dinghy
Guests on board the P&O Britannia ship which is currently making its way back to the UK from Spain, Italy and France were awoken at 1am today to a man overboard announcement.

Migrants flock back to Calais: Charity warns 800 refugees remain in French port city a year after the Jungle camp was razed to the ground
Hundreds of migrants are believed to be in Calais and the surrounding area a year after the Jungle camp was razed, a charity has said.

Two hundred exhausted migrants - including dozens of children - arrive in Athens after perilous crossing from Turkey to overcrowded island refugee camp
Dramatic photos show exhausted migrants arriving in Athens, after being transferred from a camp on the Greek island of Samos. The ship arrived on Saturday, carrying some 180 migrants.

How the Calais Jungle turned into a DESERT: A year after the infamous refugee camp was cleared, it is now a barren wasteland
These aerial images above Calais show how the former 'Jungle' migrant camp has been retaken by mother nature more than 12 months after the last migrants were forced to move out.

Bulgarian driver who tried to smuggle three children and their mother into UK in lorry's secret compartment is jailed for four years
Border Force staff found four family members - a mother and her three children - and another man in the coffin-like hideaway at the Coquelles Eurotunnel terminal in France

From Breitbart -- Europe migrant crisis:
Thousands of African Migrants Give up European Hopes — Accept Voluntary Repatriation Flights
8 November
As many as 10,000 migrants from Africa and other nations have taken the option to turn back from Europe and return to their homelands. Some are even working to persuade their fellow countrymen not to make the trip at all, as they perceive the risk and hardship involved in smuggling themselves into Europe outweighing the benefits.

Whistleblower Schoolteacher: Mass Migration, Radical Islam Making Education Impossible
7 November
An experienced teacher from a heavily migrant-occupied neighbourhood in a German city has said the spread of radical Islamism is creating divisions in society and turning young children against education.

Greek Police Arrest Driver of Van Packed with 50 Migrants
6 November
Police in Greece say a 30-year-old man was arrested for allegedly for trying to smuggle 50 people from the Mideast into the country in his van.

Syrian Teen Arrested For Plotting Terror Attack Was Given Asylum Without Vetting, Background Check
6 November
A report claims the 19-year-old Syrian Islamist who was arrested for plotting a terror attack last week was given refugee status without a formal interview or background check.

Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
24 October
Authorities in Germany are struggling to cope with the threat posed by Islamist terrorism, with police warning that the nation houses hundreds of extremists willing to carry out attacks.

‘Soros Plan’: Hungary Slams EU ‘Institutionalisation of Mass Migration’ with New Asylum Rules
24 October
Prime minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán blasted the European Parliament for approving changes to the bloc’s asylum system which the Hungarian government sees as the implementation of the ‘Soros Plan’ to flood the continent with an unlimited number of third-world migrants.

Migrant Who Trafficked Drugs from Asylum Home Gets Only One Year in Prison
24 October
A 31-year-old asylum seeker who ran a drug trafficking operation out of an asylum home in the German town of Gummersbach has been sentenced to only one year and two months in prison despite the scale of his operation.

One Million Migrants in Turkey Receiving Cash From EU
17 October
Officials say a European Union-funded project that provides cash assistance to the most vulnerable refugee families in Turkey has reached 1 million beneficiaries a year after its launch.
Posted by: trailing wife 2017-11-09