
Jealous chimp named Romeo BEATS UP zookeeper because he thought he was flirting with a female chimp named Juliet
[THESUN.CO.UK] A JEALOUS chimp called Romeo beat up a zookeeper and chewed off his ear because he thought the man was flirting with his partner Juliet.

Romeo flew into a rage when his female mate tried to kiss zookeeper Sergey through a glass window in their cage at the Feldman Eco Park zoo in Lisne, Ukraine.

The chimp started pummelling Juliet and when Sergey stepped in to try and break them up, Romeo turned on him, biting off his fingers and part of his ear.
Johnny Cash once sang about this, a song called A Boy Named Sergey...
He also gave the horrified zookeeper a black eye.

Fortunately, Sergey escaped and was rushed to hospital where he underwent surgery for his injuries.

Hospital spokesman Andriy Kozachenko told local media: “The man's right ear and fingers on his left hand had been chewed and some parts of his ear and fingers are missing as they were bitten off.

“We did our best to save what was left.”

Zoo spokeswoman Valeria Ivashenko said: “Chimpanzees are very dangerous animals with strong jaws that can easily tear off flesh.

“He should not have entered the cage.

“But he has been looking after the pair of chimpanzees for six years and had feelings for them.”

Sergey said he had a close relationship with both chimps and nothing like this had ever happened before.

He said: “When Juliet kissed me through glass, Romeo became very angry.

A few months ago Romeo and Juliet had their first baby.

The zookeeper added that he knew he shouldn’t have entered the cage but broke the rules on purpose because he didn’t want Juliet to be injured.

He said is now looking forward to going back to work.
Never monkey with another monkey's monkey.
Posted by: Fred 2017-10-05