
Coulter: How Delta Airlines Wrecked American Healthcare
[Breitbart] I think I’ve found the core problem with health care in America. And guess what? It involves Delta Airlines!
A few weeks ago, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was going on and on about a "single insurance provider" that pays for 49 percent of all births, as well as full health care costs of almost 40 percent of all children in the United States. This single "insurer," Maddow said, was the biggest "health insurance provider in the country by a mile."

Maddow was talking about Medicaid, which, of course, is not "insurance" but "welfare."

When we’re allowed to call things whatever we want in order to win an argument, there is a total breakdown in democratic politics, fair commerce, and social interaction.

Thus, for example, until we get our terms straight, Americans will be forced to keep paying through the nose whenever they try to buy actual health insurance -- because they aren’t buying health insurance; they’re paying for other people’s welfare. Washington will never be able to make it legal to sell real health insurance -- because, if they try, the welfare recipients will mob congressional offices claiming that Republicans are murdering them.

There is no truth in any discussion of Obamacare. Currently, the most persistent lie is the claim that -- according to scoring by the CBO! -- 22 million Americans would "lose" their health insurance under the Senate health care bill. Turn on the TV right now and you’ll hear someone saying this.
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-07-20