
al-Qaeda linked fighters attack Paleo Kops in Sidon
Casualties were reported as fierce fighting erupted on Friday in Ain Al-Hilweh refugee camp in the southern Lebanese city of Sidon, after extremist militants opened fire on the joint Palestinian security force.

Al-Manar correspondent in Sidon reported that Bilal Badr group, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, opened fire on the joint security force which was deploying in one of the three posts agreed upon following the last battle which lasted for days in the refugee camp last February.

Our correspondent said that the 100-member-force led by Brig. Gen. Bassam al-Saad managed on Saturday morning to get into Al-Tireh area, the stronghold of Badr group, forcing the Takfiri group to retreat to Al-Safsaf area.

The newly formed Palestinian joint security force includes members of Fatah Movement, Hamas, Osbat al-Ansar and other Palestinian factions.

RPGs (Rocket-propelled grenade) and gunfire have been heard across the camp till Saturday morning, our correspondent said, putting the toll of the clashes so far at two killed and 13 injured.
Posted by: badanov 2017-04-09