
In solidarity with Kaepernick, NYC pols sit during Pledge of Allegiance
Washington (CNN) A New York City councilman said Wednesday he is protesting the Pledge of Allegiance "in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick," the NFL quarterback who has famously declined to stand for the national anthem.

In explaining his decision to sit down during the pledge, Jumaane D. Williams, D-Brooklyn, cited the increased earnings of the New York police officer who placed Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold in 2014.
Former Community Organizer, who knew ?
"This type of non-violent protest is not disrespectful as some have suggested," Williams said in a statement. "(Kaepernick) deserves support, not criticism for his actions. What does it say about our country when there is a national outrage over an athlete sitting out the national anthem, but the same outrage isn't expressed when a young black man is killed for no reason?"

Williams added that he has engaged in a "personal protest" with the pledge and at times "The Star-Spangled Banner," saying he stands out of respect but does not recite the words.
Posted by: Besoeker 2016-09-30