
Qurei: 140 killed in Gaza operation
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei said Saturday that 140 Palestinians were killed and 500 wounded in the IDF operation against Kassam rocket squads in the northern Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said that at least 80 houses were demolished during the operation, including 60 in the Jabalya refugee camp and 20 in Beit Lahiya. Speaking to reporters in Ramallah, Qurei said the operation was part of a comprehensive aggression aimed at forcing the Palestinians to succumb. "Of course, this will never happen," he added. "The Gaza operation is in the context of attempts to create an umbrella for more land confiscation and the construction of the racist separation fence. The occupation always caries out criminal acts then withdraws." Referring to the IDF redeployment in the Gaza Strip over the weekend, Qurei said: "We are satisfied whenever the occupation withdraws from any area of our land. We don't want to see any trace of them on our land."
Posted by: Fred 2004-10-17