
North Korea sends South Korea balloons full of literal sh*t
Most of the time, balloons are just full of helium, and maybe confetti. Unless you're living in South Korea.

In January, North Korea began sending over balloons to South Korea full of used toilet paper, cigarette butts, and propaganda messages, according to The Telegraph.
Hard to believe that even these rabid dogs would waste such a valuable resource.
"Stop the anti-North psychological warfare broadcasts that light the fuse of war," some of the messages read. Others encouraged residents to, "Knock out the gang of [South Korean leader] Park Geun-hye."

It's unclear how effective North Korean's marketing campaign will be, since human excrement doesn't exactly inspire warm and fuzzy feelings. Over the past few weeks, the messages appear to have grown even more grotesque, with some going so far as to label Geun-hye, "political filth."
I would like to say it was straight from Pudgy himself, but as we all know, he doesn't have an anus because he doesn't need to go to the bathroom.
When the balloons initially appeared in the demilitarized zone, officials were concerned that they might be actually be biochemical weapons. Some balloons have flown beyond the demilitarized zone, but upon exploding, officials have only found trash inside.

South Korea has since 'hit back' by blasting annoying pop music over the border into the communist country.

Toilet paper is, currently, an unregulated weapon --even the 'ultra soft' variety.
Send over individual squares of Charmin with Pudgy's face on them.
Posted by: gorb 2016-02-03