
US election process is political theater: Pundit
[Iran Press TV] The US presidential race is a “political theater” that is designed to create the appearance of an uncertain outcome although in reality the nominees are chosen beforehand, an American geopolitical analyst says.
Like they say, even a dipshit is right twice a day.
“The election process in the United States itself at its very root is merely political theater, it is a Kabuki dance designed to convince the American people that they have some say in who rules over them, when the sad reality is they do not,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of Stopimperialism.com.

“The United States is ruled by one single ruling establishment, one political class that controls both parties and that is in fact subordinate to the financial elites on Wall Street and all throughout the imperial system,” Draitser said during an interview with Press TV on Tuesday.

“There is no such thing as democracy in the United States; it is an illusion today just as it’s been for many years before,” he added.

Posted by: Fred 2016-02-03