
Dems defend Planned Parenthood
[THEHILL] Democrats have been mostly silent on the issue as details continued to emerge Tuesday evening, when Planned Parenthood
...has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act. It is sometimes described as the gynecololgical wing of the Democratic party.
released 11 pages of attack points against the makers of the video.

The rapid rise of what has widely been called a "sting video" has surprised some Democrats on the Hill, including one aide who called the attention "unexpected."

When asked about Republicans' planned investigations into Planned Parenthood, Schakowsky said she wanted an investigation, instead, into the Center for Medical Progress, which she called "a phony company."
As opposed to an organization that is actively violating federal law over the use of aborted fetal tissue...
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), another prominent supporter of abortion rights, also dismissed the latest attacks against Planned Parenthood.

"They've been attacking Planned Parenthood for years," she said. "They've been calling for investigations for years, and they surface videos and they come on the attack ... and I think it's outrageous."

Lee also said she has not seen the video.
Nor will she...
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is also a member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, said she had not heard of the video and could not comment.

"I'll take a look at it, but I did not see it so I have no idea what's in it," she said.

Posted by: Fred 2015-07-16