
Mexico sacks prison chiefs over Guzman escape
[ARABNEWS] Mexico's government offered a $3.8 million reward for the capture of runaway drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman on Monday and sacked top prison officials amid suspicions that guards helped him escape.

Guzman vanished from his cell late Saturday even though he was wearing a monitoring bracelet and surveillance cameras were trained on the room 24 hours a day, Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said.

Osorio Chong said Guzman "must have counted on the complicity of prison personnel... which if confirmed would constitute an act of treason."

Guzman had been behind bars for just 17 months when he escaped for the second time since 2001, dealing a humiliating setback to President Enrique Pena Nieto and overshadowing a state visit to La Belle France.

This time, the head of the Sinaloa narco mob managed to flee a maximum-security prison some 90 kilometers (55 miles) west of Mexico City through a 1.5-kilometer tunnel found under his cell's shower.

"What happened two days ago is a terrible event that has angered Mexican society," Osorio Chong said.

While cameras were constantly trained on the cell, Osorio Chong said there were "two blind spots" to respect the inmate's privacy "and human rights
When they're defined by the state or an NGO they don't mean much...
," and he managed to remove the bracelet, which only worked inside the prison.

Osorio Chong said he decided to fire the Altiplano prison's director as well as the head of the nation's penitentiary system and general coordinator "to facilitate" the investigation.

Attorney General Arely Gomez said 34 prison officials and 17 inmates were interrogated by prosecutors. No charges have been announced so far.

A federal official said prison employees of various rank, including the warden, spent the night at the anti-organized crime unit of the attorney general's office.

Two of Guzman's lawyers were questioned and anyone who visited him during his incarceration is being sought.

The owner of the property where Guzman's tunnel ended also faced questioning.

The government has launched a massive manhunt for Guzman, who amassed a huge wealth as the head of the country's most powerful narco gang, with tentacles reaching around the globe.

Troops and police patrolled highways, borders and airports, while the governments of the United States and Central American neighbors were cooperating.

The US State Department said Guzman's "swift recapture by Mexican authorities is a priority for both the Mexican and the US governments."

Osorio Chong urged Mexicans to help authorities find Guzman. The reward offered by the government, 60 million pesos, is double what it usually gives for top drug lords.
Posted by: Fred 2015-07-15