
Madonna Miffed at 'Mistreatment' in Malawi
The Malawian government has criticised American pop icon Madonna, accusing her of exaggerating her contributions to the Southern African country and unreasonably demanding special treatment during her tour, reports Nyasa Times.
Aw, Jeez, not this sh*t again.
The hit-maker was reportedly left furious during her visit when she was forced to queue with economy class passengers at an airport, reports say.
Queueing with the peasants - the horror!
However, the president's office has issued a statement accusing Madonna of using her fame and money to press the government of Malawi to give her VIP treatment.

"Neither the president nor any official in her government denied Madonna any attention or courtesy during her recent visit to Malawi because as far as the government is concerned there is no defined attention and courtesy that must be followed in respect of her," says the statement.
Perhaps there is hope for Malawi, near-alone in all of Africa.
The singer and actress reportedly claims that Banda is angry after her younger sister, Anjimile Mtila-Oponyo, had a labour dispute with Madonna.
Posted by: Glenmore 2013-04-11