
America Turning a Blind Eye to Egypt's 'New Pharoah?'
During the past few months, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has seized absolute power over his country.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader enjoys support from the Obama administration, but his opponents call him a dictator who wants to turn Egypt into an Islamic state. Some have even called him Egypt's "new Pharoah."

He is the most powerful man in the Arab world's most influential country. He's referred to America as an enemy. And as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, he denies al Qaeda was behind that attack.

Yet he's due to receive sixteen F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks from the Obama administration this year. A majority of Republican senators signed off on the deal.

So who is this questionable ally that America is helping to arm?

"He's a rough personality. He's quite hostile -- he doesn't like to answer questions," Eric Trager, with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said.

Trager studies the Muslim Brotherhood and has interviewed Mohammed Morsi face-to-face.

"He was considered within the Brotherhood as a hardliner -- somebody who was there to enforce the Brotherhood's most hardline ideas whether it came to saying that women and Christians can't even run for the presidency of Egypt, whether it was their foreign policy ideas, their hostility toward Israel," he said.

Morsi put that hostility on full display in a series of interviews before he became Egypt's president.

In one, he called Israelis "bloodsuckers" and "warmongers" and referred to Israel and America as "enemies." He also quoted from the Koran, calling Jews "the descendants of apes and pigs."

In another interview, Morsi called on the Muslim world to confront Israel and boycott goods from any nation that does business with it, including America.
Posted by: tipper 2013-03-04