
Round 2 - 9th Circuit Panel Overturns AZ SB 1070. Now Goes To Full 9th Circuit.
Last July the Arizona District Court judge enjoined enforcement of the law, and today a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that ruling.

Judge Richard Paez, writing for a 2-1 split panel, said, "By imposing mandatory obligations on state and local officers, Arizona interferes with the federal government's authority to implement its priorities and strategies in law enforcement, turning Arizona officers into state-directed (immigration) agents."

"Congress has created a comprehensive and carefully calibrated scheme and has authorized the Executive to promulgate extensive regulations for adjudicating and enforcing civil removability," Paez wrote.

In court papers lawyers for the Department of Justice had argued, "The immigration framework set forth by Congress and administered by federal agencies reflects a careful and considered balance of national law enforcement, foreign relations, and humanitarian concerns -- concerns that belong to the nation as a whole, not a single state."

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer released a statement Monday vowing to appeal the ruling. "For decades the federal government has neglected its constitutional duty to American citizens by failing to secure the border," she said.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2011-04-12