
Muslims mob attacks Christian villagers in Kasur district.
Lahore: July 1, 2009. (SLMP reports for PCP) Over six hundred Muslims attacked Christians in village Bahmani District Kasur on June 30, 2009. Angry Muslims’ mob, after accusing of blasphemy, destroyed Christians’ houses, looted valuables / jewelry and tortured Christian men and women ruthlessly.

Bahmani village is situated at some short to Ganda Singh border Kasur between India and Pakistan . More then hundred Christian families are living in village Bahmani among perhaps 600 Muslim families since long time. Most of the Christians do labour work in the fields of Muslim landlords while some of them are doing reasonable job or getting education.

According to the recent facts collected by SLMP team there was a trivial quarrel between a Sardar Masih, 38 aged years, on 29th June 2009. Sardar Masih was driving a tractor at about 7:30pm while Muhammad Riaz riding on the bike stopped his way. Sardar Masih requested him to give way on which Muhammad Riaz became angry and abused Sardar saying, “How dared you to stop me you low caste”. A scuffle took place between both of them which, later, became reason of a critical incident.

Muhammad Riaz contacted a local clergyman named as Qari Lateef who is known to be bone of contention many other blasphemy cases in Kasur. Qari Lateef urged Muhammad Riaz to plot a blasphemy accusation against Sardar Masih and other Christians. After an agreement, Qari Lateef made several announcements in the loud speakers of the mosque in the village and urged Muslims of the village and in surrounding villages to get together against Christians of village Bahmani Wala.

SLMP team during facts finding witnessed and stunned by the announcements as he announced that Christians of the village have committed blasphemy, they have been passed derogate remarks against Prophet Muhammad therefore they are liable to death. He called hundred of Muslims from surrounding villages as well. The angry mob of Muslims, shouting on Christians attacked their houses and destroyed everything. They set many houses of Christians on fire, looted their money and valuables, tortured Christian men and women of the village and fled away from the spot.

SLMP team members interviewed some Christians of the village who told Muslims attacked their houses in presence of local police but the policemen did nothing to secure Christians. On the other hand some Muslim influential have registered a criminal case wide FIR No. 460, offense under section 148/149, 337/379 A2, A1, L2, F1 of Pakistan penal court, with police station Sadar Kasur, against eight nominated whereas three unknown Christians of the village. The FIR got registered on 29th June 2009.

On 30th June when Muslims attacked Christians police were also there to arrest Christians under the above-mentioned case.

Mr. Sohail Johnson, Chief Coordinator of SLMP, condemned the false accusation against Christians of Bahmani Wala and ruthless attack on them in his speech at District Police Officer’s office. He met with District Police Officer and District Coordination Officer and asked him to take appropriate action against the real culprits. He pointed out Qari Lateef who has played a wicked role to persecute innocent Christians.

Mr. Sohail Johnson also visited Christians at Bahmani Wala village to console them on the shameful incident.

He, in his special message for media, said that this incident refreshed the memories of brutal attack on Christians of Shanti Nagar, Chiyan Wala and Sangla Hill. He condemned police’s and other high authorities’ ignorance to protect Christians of Kasur. He appealed Christians in all over the world to pray for persecuted Church in Pakistan as the situation worsening day by day. SLMP team is working to collect the facts and to interview different involved in the case. We will provide updated report by tomorrow.

Posted by: anonymous5089 2009-07-02