
Early Voting Begins in Iraq Elections
Notice how the goalposts are shifted by the MSM. Notice how the Iraqis have more courage and integrity in their pinkie than the entire MSM.

A smooth election could encourage supporters of a fast-paced withdrawal of U.S. combat troops by next year, but any major irregularities or bloodshed in Saturday's main voting could raise worries about the readiness of Iraq's institutions.

It also included prisons and many hospitals, including a maternity ward in the southern city of Najaf where 21-year-old Salwa Majid filled out a ballot with one hand and cradled her hours-old son with the other. "It's my duty to vote for a better Iraq," she said, showing off her index finger tinted with purple ink -- used in Iraq to identify voters.

In prisons across Iraq, inmates in orange jumpsuits filed in one by one to vote. Faraj al-Haidari, the head of the election commission, said voting was open to any detainee awaiting trial -- even those accused of insurgent attacks or links to al-Qaida in Iraq -- but those sentenced to more than five years in prison were not eligible.
Posted by: Frozen Al 2009-01-29