
Somalia’s president resigns
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Somalia’s president who has been widely blamed for his country’s deepening crisis, resigned on Monday, casting Somalia into a deeper political abyss, but, at the same time, possibly creating an opportunity.

Mr. Yusuf blamed the international community for not doing enough to shore up Somalia’s transitional government, which has steadily lost control of much of the country to Islamist insurgents. “Most of the country was not in our hands and we had nothing to give our soldiers. The international community has also failed to help us,” Mr. Yusuf told legislators in Baidoa, Somalia’s seat of Parliament.

His exit will most likely kick off an intense, clan-based scramble for his post, which in reality has become increasingly irrelevant as the government has veered toward collapse. Somalia’s transitional government controls only a few city blocks in a country almost as big as Texas and it has been continuously beset by poisonous infighting.

Earlier this month, Mr. Yusuf, who has been president since 2004, tried to fire Somalia’s prime minister but the Parliament refused. Several of Somalia’s neighbors, including Kenya, then threatened to impose sanctions on Mr. Yusuf and his family, accusing Mr. Yusuf of being an obstacle to peace.

Mr. Yusuf, a former warlord who claims to be around 74 years old though he is widely believed to be several years older, has constantly rejected efforts to bring moderate Islamist opposition leaders into the government. Now that he is leaving, many Somalis hope there may be a way to rebuild the government and give the Islamists a meaningful role.

Under Somalia’s transitional charter, the speaker of the Parliament will take over the presidency for one month until the Parliament elects a new president. Several moderate Islamists could be candidates.

Mr. Yusuf did not say what he will do now but many Somalis expect that he will return to his clan stronghold in northern Somalia. His militia has already fled the capital, with more than 100 soldiers loyal to Mr. Yusuf flying out on Sunday for northern Somalia. Several Somali politicians aligned with Mr. Yusuf also left for northern Somalia on Sunday, implying that Mr. Yusuf’s powerful sub-clan, the Majerten, may be pulling out of the government.
Posted by: ryuge 2008-12-29