
'Acre incident plot to displace Arabs'
Hezbollah says the latest riots against the Arab residents of Acre have been aimed at displacing Palestinians from their homeland.

In a statement issued Tuesday, the Lebanese resistance group said the Arab residents of the northern town of Acre in occupied Palestine are being subject to "an organized aggression campaign" by settler gangs and the Israeli occupation regime, which is aimed at displacing them from their land.

Clashes between the Jewish residents of the city and the Arabs erupted late Wednesday after an Arab man identified as Tofik Jamal drove his car to a Jewish neighborhood. The Jewish residents of the neighborhood claimed they were disrespected because Jamal turned up the sound of music in his car while they were observing the religious holiday of Yom Kippur. The incident turned into a mass riot against the Arabs in the city.

Jamal, who denied entering the Jewish neighborhood as a provocative act was arrested by the Israeli police on Monday.

Hezbollah said the attacks "which are carried out in coordination with the enemy's police," would not have taken place if there had not been "an international plot" against the Palestinians "to disregard the rights of the Palestinian people."

"These attacks are aimed at completing the plans of the racist expulsion carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities, in addition to the desecration of the holiness of the al-Aqsa Mosque and the turning of part of its sacred territory into a Jewish synagogue," it concluded.
Posted by: Fred 2008-10-15