
Suicide attacks in Pakistan are 'Haram' : Ulema
(APP): A meeting of Muttehadda Ulema Council (MUC) held here Tuesday issued a unanimous decree (fatwa) declaring suicide attacks in Pakistan as haram (unlawful) and Najaez (unjustified).

The meeting was attended by ulema from Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat, Ahle Tashee, Ahle Hadees, and the Deobandi and Barelvi schools of thought. The meeting chaired by leader of the MUC, Sarfaraz Naeemi demanded for abolishing the system of "sood" (interest) in the country.

The meeting decided to observe black day on Friday and demanded for initiating dialogue in tribal areas for restoration of peace there. They said that some foreign forces and their agents in the country were responsible for volative situation in tribal areas and terrorist activities in other parts of the country.
Posted by: Fred 2008-10-15