
McCain's Former War Buddy Upsets Muslims
Guess he'd better get in line. And be prepared to wait, because it's a long one...
IsraelNN.com) Muslim Americans are furious over remarks made by Col. Bud Day, a former comrade in war of Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain. "The Muslims have said either we kneel or they're going to kill us," Day said in a Florida conference all with reporters. "I don't intend to kneel and I don't advocate to anybody that we kneel, and John doesn't advocate to anybody that we kneel.''

A Republican Party spokeswoman explained that Day meant to refer to "terrorists" and not to Muslims. However, Arab-American groups denounced the comments as bigotry.

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama has called for withdrawing troops from Iraq, a policy that Day condemned, ''I think it's incredible that he would make up his mind before he ever got the facts,'' Day told reporters.
Col Day's resume:
George "Bud" Day is the most decorated officer in the modern history of the U.S. military, having won (this is a chest seriously full of medals and ribbons) the Medal of Honor, Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal for Valor with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star Medal for Merit, Purple Heart with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal with nine Oak Leaf Clusters, National Order of Vietnam, Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, and Prisoner of War Medal.

Posted by: tu3031 2008-07-23