
Iran: U.S. Participation A Step Toward Recognizing Iran's Right
Praising U.S. participation in the weekend nuclear talks with Tehran in Geneva as a "positive step forward," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was a step toward recognizing his country's right to acquire nuclear technology.

The hard-line president said Wednesday that the U.S. decision to attend the talks in Geneva, Switzerland, would help refurbish Washington's tarnished image in the world.

Addressing supporters in the southern Iranian town of Yasouj, he said Tehran will not "retreat one iota" in its nuclear activities -- in his first reaction to a new call from the U.S. allies for it to end uranium-enrichment.

The remarks came close on the heels of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accusing the Islamic Republic of not being serious in Saturday's talks despite the presence of a senior U.S. diplomat. She also said the regime has two weeks time to respond positively or face more punitive sanctions.

The meeting in Geneva Saturday was the first time U.S. and Iranian officials held face-to-face talks about Iran's controversial nuclear program.

Envoys from U.S., E.U, and the U.N are hoping that Iran would respond to a so-called "freeze-for-freeze" offer, under which a freeze of Iran's uranium-enrichment program at its current levels would be matched by a Western pledge not to strengthen sanctions against Tehran.

The U.S. and its western allies accuse Iran of seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, and demand that it freeze uranium-enrichment. Iran, on the other hand, insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Posted by: tipper 2008-07-23