
US attack imminent, says Sherpao
Former interior minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao on Saturday sounded "serious" threats to the country's sovereignty and integrity, saying that the United States could attack Pakistan any time soon. "There is an imminent danger of [a] US attack on Pakistan," Sherpao told reporters at his residence.
Bet he hears the buzz of UAVs at night ...
His comments came two days after NATO attacked a Pakistani outpost on the Afghan border in South Waziristan. "The government should immediately call a joint session of parliament to discuss the situation and evolve a national consensus," the former minister said. "The country's security is apolitical issue and we must all be concerned about it," he added.

He however said it was difficult to say the US would land boots in the Tribal Areas or continue with airstrikes to target what Washington terms militants. "We don't know this ... they may be Iraq-like mercenaries."

Posted by: John Frum 2008-07-13