
Dutch Treat For Pedophiles: Advocacy Is Legitimate
C'mon, children can't protect themselves so it is up to the state. THE HAGUE, Netherlands (UPI) -- A bid to force the banning of a pro-pedophile political party in the Netherlands has been struck down by a court at The Hague.

The PNVD party was formed this year by three admitted pedophiles, and was immediately challenged by the Soelaas foundation, which investigates cases of pedophilia in the country, Expatica and the ANP news agency reported. Soelaas argued a legal ban was needed to protect children from the group, but Judge H.F. Hofhuis ruled that the PNVD has the same right to exist as any other political party. 'They (Soelaas) only want to give expression to their moral concerns. That is far from being sufficient to outlaw a party,' Hofhuis ruled.

The PNVD group advocates lowering the age of consent from 16 to 12, and also seeks to allow teenagers older than 16 to act in pornographic movies, as long as the participation is voluntary.
Posted by: Anginens Threreng8133 2006-07-18