
Peretz to declare ‘special situation’ at home, 700 rockets fired at Israel so far
This isn't gonna be over in a day or two, folks. It's a real war and not a 'police action'. But then, regulars at the Burg already knew that ...
Defense Minister Amir Peretz is set to declare Saturday the coming into effect of a “special situation” in the home front. The announcement will enable the security forces to instruct the shutting down of schools, to operate essential industries and to close certain areas for traffic. The declaration is aimed at narrowing the damages of the expanding fighting in the north.

Peretz ordered the Home Front Command chief to conduct a detailed mapping of the areas in which the instruction is set to be implemented. This will serve the IDF chief of staff, the Northern Command chief and other bodies in giving out instructions that will protect and save lives and property.

In the framework of this new decree, the authorized elements will be able to issue orders in designated areas that will be defined as exposed to the rocket threat, in order to protect the population.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the government’s secretary Israel Maimon were notified of the decree Saturday afternoon. The cabinet is set to discuss an expansion of the decree within 48 hours, and it will also be discussed by the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

In a briefing held by the senior IDF Air Force, Navy and intelligence officials on Saturday it was reported that some 700 rockets have been fired at Israel’s territory in recent days, 100 of which on Saturday alone.

Major-General Gadi Eizenkot, head of the General Staff Operations Directorate, said that “the attacks were aimed at hurting Israeli civilians. We are making a great effort to curb the terrorists’ capabilities. The people of Israel, who have shown impressing resilience, are being asked to remain in protected areas.”

“I can say that the enemy has sustained much greater damages than it expected. And we are pleased with the scope of our strikes against Hizbullah,” he stated.
Posted by: lotp 2006-07-15