
Belgian extremist leader Dyab Abu Jahjah wants to go to Lebanon to fight “the Zionists”(Tm)
The Belgian citizen from Lebanese descent Dyab Abu Jahjah, founder of the Arab European League, posted a message on the website of this organisation (www.arabeuropean.org) two days ago, expressing his will to go back to Lebanon. Under the title “The homeland is calling”, the post of Abu Jahjah leads to think that he wants to go to Lebanon to fight “the Zionists”.

He wrote: “The Zionists will not get us on our knees, their pride and arrogance can not match our belief in the justice of our cause, and in the evil that they represent in this world (…) This might be the last text I will write before going home on a trip that might be my last (…) I lived my life for this Nation, and not a hair in me will hesitate in laying it down for this Nation too. The fight for Arab Unity, Liberation, Freedom and Socialism is the essence of Justice in the Homeland and beyond. Some people call it a fight for god, some people call it a fight for mankind, in essence it is one and the same fight for freedom and justice (…) When oppression rises above the sun to cover it, and injustice defies the wind and the Wicked and the Evil feast on the Flesh of innocent men, women and children. From within the darkness and the orgy of blood, a sword will shine, and the brave will murmur: “What a beautiful day to die””
He might possibly go, but I doubt it. The head cheeses talk a great martyrdom, but they're usually running for their lives when the rockets hit. This is directed more toward the rubes, who're willing to go off and do the bidding of their local holy man or Fearless Leader™...
Founded a few years ago, the Arab European League (approximately 1 000 members) is regarded by most of the European security services as an extremist organization advocating a communitarian model of society. For instance, the League asks the recognition of Arabic as an official European language. In the past, the League had various problems for its anti-Semitic messages. Dyab Abu Jahjah himself was accused to be linked to the Hezbollah, but he is more clearly aligned on the Syrian Baathist policy, both nationalist and socialist.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-07-15