
Big Security Council Members Agree on Iran
Powerful members of the UN Security Council agreed Monday that Iran must fully suspend its nuclear program, Britain's Foreign Office said following a meeting aimed at forging a common response to Tehran's decision to resume uranium enrichment activities. Diplomats also announced plans to call for an emergency meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency board of directors on Feb. 2-3 to discuss what action to take against Tehran for removing some U.N. seals from its main uranium enrichment facility in Natanz last week.

The Foreign Office said all five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council — the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China — and Germany had shown "serious concern over Iranian moves to restart uranium enrichment activities." They agreed on the need for Iran to "return to full suspension," according to a statement.
Ohhhh Iran... where do I start?? You made some really stupid moves, and I pray/think that your f*cked now. And the best is yet to come for Iran if they continue their current path, because I suspect a military attack by Israel at the end of March or beginning of April.
Posted by: bgrebel9 2006-01-16