
Ugandan President vows to unite nations, even if they don't invade.
Uganda's President has launched his election campaign, pledging he will work for Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya to have one president within eight years. Yoweri Museveni says he wants to win to fulfil the dream of Uganda's political forefathers.
"Yes, I dream of the Caliphate East African Federation. It is written."
He says he wants to work for Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to be governed under one president as an East African Federation by 2013. The three countries form the East African Community (EAC), which is little more than a customs union. The EAC has ambitious plans for a common currency by 2009 and a federation and regional government by 2010. Mr Museveni says it must strengthen itself for its member states to throw off the legacy of colonialism
spit, spit
and underdevelopment.

"We survived colonialism, and while it was good for the tribal economy, we also survived the slave trade, we cannot make ...another
more and more and more and more
... historic mistakes of remaining weak," he said. "It would be a disaster for Africa if this generation of leaders also failed to implement the dream of our political fathers,
shaman, and tribal elders."

The election on February 23 will be the country's first multi-party poll since Mr Museveni was elected in 1986.
Like Robert Mugabe in Zim.
Even better than that.
The Government has changed the constitution to allow him to stand for another term
of 50 years, after 20 years in power. His main opposition rival, Kiiza Besigye, has recently been released on bail after being charged with treason, and will soon be re-captured and eaten.

Foreign donors have in recent weeks suspended direct aid to his Government, citing concerns about Mr Besigye's case and the repeal of presidential term limits. Five European countries have cut millions of dollars in aid to Uganda. Mr Besigye says he rejects the "unreasonable and paternalistic" interference in Ugandan politics from Western governments.
You could do with a little more starch in the Fatigue blouse there Yoweri.
Posted by: Creck Ulagum6581 2006-01-12