
Stampede Breaks Out on Final Day of Hajj
Muslim pilgrims rushing to complete a symbolic stoning ritual on the last day of the hajj tripped over luggage
the Keystone pilgrims?
Thursday, and an unknown number of people were killed in the ensuing stampede, the Interior Ministry said. The Al-Arabiya network said dozens died.

The stampede occurred as tens of thousands of pilgrims filed past al-Jamarat, a series of three pillars representing the devil that the faithful pelt with stones to purge themselves of sin. The ritual has seen deadly stampedes in the past, including one in 1990 that killed 1,426 people and another in February 2004 that killed 244.
movin', movin', movin', keep them doggies movin' RAWHIDE!
Posted by: Spot 2006-01-12